Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How to keep track of your Unix/Linux command execution and its output

By using "script" command, you can keep track of Executed Commands and its output.

Definition: The script command will keep a transcript(written record) of everything you say to the computer and everything that the computer responds to you.

Syntax: script [capturefilename]

*) To start the script command
eg: vjsujay$ script cmdlog

Note: cmdlog will be created in the current dir and also if you are not specifying the filename means, it will create a default filename 'typescript'

*) To stop capturing or script command,
eg: vjsujay$ exit

Different ways of running a Shell Script

1. Executing the Shell Script file as a command in the Shell Prompt

2. Executing the Shell Script file using specified Shell

3. Executing the Shell Script file in the current Shell

4. Executing the Shell Script file using exec command
vjsujay@linuxdemon$ exec

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Copying longfilenames without retyping

$ ls -l thisismytestfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 Ajay None 13 Apr 17 03:22 thisismytestfile

Ajay@intel ~
$ cp thisismytestfile{,.bk}

Ajay@intel ~
$ ls -l thisismytest*
-rw-r--r-- 1 Ajay None 13 Apr 17 03:22 thisismytestfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 Ajay None 13 Apr 17 03:26 thisismytestfile.bk