Saturday, December 4, 2010

How to remove files starting with - minus in the filename

There might be several ways to remove files starting with first character as - minus. But i am providing 3 solutions below.

1. $ rm ./-filename

2. $ rm -- -filename

3. Find the inode number by using ls -i and then use the below command
find . -inum 45678 -exec rm {} \;

Monday, January 25, 2010

Difference between Unix Internal & External Commands

Internal Unix commands are built with the shell and hence it will run in the same shell.
eg: cd

External Unix commands will start a new shell and then it gets executed
eg: ls

Note: If you execute a shell script, it will create or fork a new shell and then execute the commands present in the script file. You can also execute the shell script in the same shell by using source or . infront of the shell script.

sujay@laptop:~/scripts$ cat
cd /
echo "Current dir is `pwd`"

Current dir is /
sujay@laptop:~/scripts$ pwd
sujay@laptop:~/scripts$ source
Current dir is /
sujay@laptop:/$ pwd

Saturday, January 23, 2010

How to run a unix shell script from any directory

To run a script from anywhere inside UNIX directory, you need to include the script absolute directory in the PATH variable. After that without using the pathname we can execute the script successfully.

In .profile, update PATH=$PATH:/home/sujay/scripts and source the .profile

Script Loc: /home/sujay/scripts/
Script Name; anywhere

sujay@laptop:~$ anywhere
++ pwd
+ echo 'Executed from /home/sujay'
Executed from /home/sujay